Chin Hills 1 :: 02.2013

Pierwsze 2 dni ze zorganizowanej przez Mutu (przewodnika z Mjanmy) imprezy w rejon Chin Hills (permity itp).
Dzień 1 to przejazd z Bagan do Kampalet. W drugim dniu zwiedzamy okolice Kampalet (Chin tribes), potem jedziemy w stronę Mount Victoria. Psuje się jeep i po naprawie jest już za późno żeby wejść na szczyt więc jedziemy dalej do Aye Camp. Kolejne 3 dni będą w galerii Chin Hills 2.

Trochę info:
i jeszcze z wikipedii:
„…Southern Chin women were also tattooed on their faces with closely set lines using blue pigments, ostensibly to discourage them from being kidnapped by invaders. Chin women were typically tattooed between the ages of 15 and 20. The practice has quickly disappeared, as it was banned in the 1960s by Burma’s socialist regime and it was discouraged by Christian missionaries…”

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